Monday Motivators

Day 27  #SOL17  Year 1


Monday Motivators




plural noun: motivators

  1. something that provides a reason or stimulus to do something.

“fear is a powerful motivator”

  • a person who promotes interest in or enthusiasm for something.



Many motivators have existed in my life.  Listed below are some I wish to recognize:

  1. My Mother & Father
  2. Uncle Paul
  3. Mr. Psota
  4. Mr. Scoda
  5. My students
  6. Tennis coaches
  7. Sr. Kathleen Gorman
  8. Sr. Marilyn Muro
  9. Sr. Frances Russell


After typing this list, I realized that every day we come across a person or story that motivates us.  I listed people in my past, but I am failing to consider the present.  I need to focus more on what is motivating me day in and day out.  Recognizing these stories, these people,  these moments may help me slow myself down and reflect upon the path I may be on.

Right now, I am not motivated.

16 Comments Add yours

  1. jodimahoney says:

    But you found a way to make your lack of motivation productive and make a list of people who inspire you. Each one of those people has a story or stories that could be future slices.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ms. Pesta says:

      True, just felt as if it wasn’t enough.


  2. aggiekesler says:

    Sharing this list of people who have motivated you has given you a list of ideas. Perhaps you could write a slice about each one and what they have done in your life. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Lisa Keeler says:

    A list is a great way to think about where to start writing.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. jehansen13 says:

    That’s an interesting thought to ponder…what or who motivates us? Thanks for sharing!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. One thing I noticed is each of you motivators is external. Look inward to find motivation!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ms. Pesta says:

      Thanks! I have to admit though that that would be very hard for me, but well worth the struggle.


  6. rosecappelli says:

    I agree, listing is a good start to writing and a way to uncover stories. You have written every day in March – that’s motivation! Where did it come from?


    1. Ms. Pesta says:

      Good question? hmmm


  7. To me the gem in your piece is when you realized you hadn’t looked around to find current motivators. I’ll bet you do some thinking on this… I’m going to!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ms. Pesta says:

      Looking inside is always the most challenging and rewarding strategy.


  8. franmcveigh says:

    As mentioned, definition and lists are ways to “write more” and then your internal conversation that has you now considering current motivators! Great connections in your post!


  9. mrssurridge says:

    Ha! Your ending made me laugh. I recognized your entire post as you being motivated. Your blunt ending was a surprise and gave me a giggle.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. aileenhower says:

    What a wonderful list of important people in your life. I went to bed at 7:30 last night. No motivation here, at least yesterday. Today is a new day with incredible posts to read.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Motivation is so important. I hope you share your list with the people you mentioned. I love when people motivate me to be better just by being in their presence!

    Liked by 1 person

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